Healthcare for All -Distance or Dream


In India healthcare remains the “dreaded” word literally, from an individuals point of view this means carrying a huge financial burden as healthcare still remains the most expensive and unaffordable for millions of people, secondly, healthcare is not easily accessible for the majority of urban poor and rural folks. For all other sectors, demographics brings

In India healthcare remains the “dreaded” word literally, from an individuals point of view this means carrying a huge financial burden as healthcare still remains the most expensive and unaffordable for millions of people, secondly, healthcare is not easily accessible for the majority of urban poor and rural folks. For all other sectors, demographics brings a lot of advantages but in healthcare, Indian demographic becomes and disadvantage because of sheer population numbers we have. To cater to the huge numbers and demand for healthcare building hospitals or increasing the number of beds will not solve the problem, as distance and availability will be a big challenge.

In a country like India, you can’t build hospitals in every nook and corner and being a developing country government can’t afford to invest as efficiency remains a big challenge for government to manage the number of hospitals, similarly private entities are not interested in investing in semi-urban or rural areas because of the commercial reasons, hence it creates a big gap in healthcare delivery in India.

For a country like India, we need innovative ways in delivering the healthcare and simultaneously more basic approach in managing the infection and disease control, will bring in a lot of fruits, Government has realised that putting more money in healthcare infra will not solve the problem hence they need to work on more practical ways of managing infections and diseases. Majority of Indians who are still out of organised healthcare solutions resides in rural, semi-urban or urban areas, many areas have no or very less basic amenities like toilets or clean drinking water and overall cleanliness, and these are the very reason for the majority of the burden on healthcare infra.

The government has taken big strides in that directions and making good inroads in the minds of people in ensuring the basic amenities are either built, used and maintained so that basic hygiene is maintained. Just with this three-way approach like building toilets, making clean water available and ensuring overall cleanliness, we may reduce the healthcare burden by 50% and will make healthcare infra like hospitals to be used for more serious illness and thus bringing in more efficiency and transparency in the system.

India is moving in the right direction but it needs to be seen if this is just an initial enthusiasm or it is followed with more vigour and all the stakeholder are made accountable in achieving pre-healthcare goals. Governments will come and go but we as citizens need to take the more pro-active approach in ensuring good health for all. Just small steps like not littering on roads, using dustbins, not spitting, using and maintaining clean toilets, will ensure that we will build a healthy society where deserving has access to healthcare and all others ensure we all remain healthy.

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