From Silent to Alpha: How Generations Shape Our World

From Silent to Alpha: How Generations Shape Our World

Currently, seven generations together shape our society. Each of these seven generations plays an active role in the workforce, markets, and communities. The most talked-about, self-focused, and largest market is Generation Z

▪️Generation Alpha (2013-2025)

Children born in this generation are extremely sharp-minded and multi-purposeful. Being connected to technology from birth, they are growing up with the internet, cell phones, tablets, and social media. Generation Alpha is considered the youngest generation in the world and the true generation of the 21st century.

▪️Generation Z (1997-2012)

Children born between 1997 and 2012 are called Generation Z or Gen Z. This generation's beginning started with social media. People born in this era had to face things like trolls and cyberbullying. Many slang terms like "trending" and "vibes" became popular in this generation.

▪️Millennials (1981-1996)
Millennials are people born between 1981 and 1996. You may have often seen many posts related to millennials on social media. This is the generation that has seen and learned the most changes in their lives. People in this generation not only lived like people from the old ways but also changed themselves due to changing technology.

▪️Generation X (1965-1980)

Like the Baby Boomers, Generation X was new to big changes. However, this generation is considered the beginning of the modern era. This generation is considered to have given a new dimension to the hippie culture, movies, art, and music to rock and roll. Currently, people in this generation act as a bridge between the elderly and the young.

▪️Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964)

People born between 1946 and 1964 are known as the Baby Boomer Generation. They were placed in this category because many life-changing changes came forward during this period. People in this generation have spent their entire lives diligently learning how to work in the era of change. At the same time, they also saw modern developments in their time.

▪️ Silent Generation (1928-1945)

The Silent Generation refers to people born between 1928 and 1945. It is called the Silent Generation because people born during this period saw the era of world wars and slavery. During this period, people silently tolerated injustice and were afraid to speak against it.

▪️ Greatest Generation (1901-1927)

People born between 1901 and 1927 are called the 'Greatest Generation.' Children born in this period saw a lot of struggle and faced many kinds of hardships, including dangerous wars, diseases, and poverty, hence they were given this name.


(The information in this article is based on integrated information. Some people may have different opinions)

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Nitin Sindhu VY Picture

Journalsit, Economy Researcher

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