Pakistan feeds on violent culture; India's criticism at the United Nations

Pakistan feeds on violent culture; India's criticism at the United Nations

Pakistan feeds on violent culture; India's criticism at the United Nations

New York / News Agency

India criticized Pakistan for fostering a culture of violence on its own soil and across borders at the United Nations. India also lashed out at Pakistan for abusing the UN platform to create an atmosphere of hatred towards India.

Speaking at the UN General Assembly on "The Role of Peaceful Culture in the Process of Global Transformation in the Post-Corona Crisis", Vidisha Maitra, India's First Secretary to the United Nations, lashed out at Pakistan. Peaceful culture is not just an imaginary or abstract concept of engaging in discussion and gaining a platform. It is a matter of inculcating this concept in mind and strengthening the relations between nations on the basis of it, she added.

Speaking on the occasion, Pakistan's UN Secretary General Munir Akram raised the issue of Jammu and Kashmir and also made unsolicited statements about the late Pro Pakistan separatist leader Saeed Ali Shah Gilani. His speech was inconsistent with the original theme of the program and was full of hatred for India. These statements were immediately strongly condemned by India.

Terrorism is an expression of intolerance and violence. Terrorism is incompatible with the teachings of any religion or culture. However, Maitra also said that the destructive forces that support terrorism on the basis of religion and the countries that feed them must be brought to book. India will continue to promote the principles of humanity, non-violence and democracy. She also said that discussions at the United Nations should be conducted in an objective, equitable and non-discriminatory environment.

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