'Corona will no longer be an pandemic; The possibility of a third wave has decreased.
Consolation given by The director of AIIMS, Dr. Randeep Guleria
New Delhi / Correspondent
Most of the citizens of the country have developed immunity against Kovid-19. Therefore, Corona will not be an 'pandemic' in the future. The incidence of the third wave of infection has decreased. Explaining that even if the third wave comes, it will not be fatal. Randeep Guleria, Director of AIIMS has given relief.
The severity of the second wave of corona infection is greatly reduced. However, many experts are predicting a third wave in October. Against this background, statement made by Dr. Guleria is heartening. The majority of Indians have developed immunity against the corona virus. Therefore, even if the virus is no longer contagious, its severity will be the same as that of colds, cough and the common flu, he said.
Given the rapid pace of vaccination in India, it is highly unlikely that corona infection will become an 'epidemic' in India. At present, 25,000 to 40,000 people across the country are infected with coronavirus every day. "If people take proper care, it will gradually decrease," he said.
Vaccination is also extremely important in neutralizing the corona. The current priority is to fully vaccinate every citizen of the country. Full vaccination of all adults, after vaccination of all children then consideration of booster dose is possible as required, he added.
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