Azam Campus Students Selected for worldwide Championship in USA
Dr. P.A.Inamdar President of MCE Society’s PAI College of VEDA – Azam Campus- Pune, introduced a study module of Value Addition Programs. In these programs students who are good in sports, who are good in studies are short listed & get additional learning’s apart from their regular academics. This practice is since Four decades students
Dr. P.A.Inamdar President of MCE Society’s PAI College of VEDA – Azam Campus- Pune, introduced a study module of Value Addition Programs. In these programs students who are good in sports, who are good in studies are short listed & get additional learning’s apart from their regular academics. This practice is since Four decades students are benefitted with many technical & non technical learning’s.
Dr.P.A.Inamdar always said: “Students should get opportunity, Guidance & Support so that they can believe & achieve their individual goals of life”
In value additional training programs firstly the teachers are trained on the new technology by industry experts; than these teachers takes extra effort to train students. After training online exams are conducted & these exams are evaluated by third party which is followed by certification program.
This year 2019 PAI College of VEDA with sheer guidance from the Dean-Principal Dr. Prof. R.V.Aacharya took the lead for counselling students along with their parents for educating their kids on the world’s most powerful tool for graphics program “Photoshop” produced by the Adobe Corporation, USA It has long been Adobe’s flagship product, and is widely used for a variety of project and purposes worldwide. The program has a huge number of filters, functions and other tools that help the graphics artist complete his/her task.
Forty Students enrolled themselves for Photoshop Training Program. The training was conducted by Ms. Aaliya Shaikh & guidance from the faculty member of PAI College of VEDA Ms. Darshana Gosavi; they both are Adobe Certified Associate.
After the training students got their registration on Certiport, these exams are of 1000 marks which need to be attempted in 45 Minutes & the scaling score is 700 Marks.
These 40 Students not only cleared the exam successfully but all scored above 800 Marks, the highest was 920 Marks.
Ms. Krishna Prakash Sutar who scored highest has been short list & will represent India for the world wide Adobe Championship ACA; which happens in Disney, California. USA
On the success & achievement of these students the Dean-Principal Dr. Prof. R.V.Aacharya expressed his thoughts; “we will create world’s best Graphic Designers & Animators among these students”
The Certification program was held on the auspicious day of Independence Day Ceremony. Along with Dr.P.A.Inamdar President of MCE Society-Azam Campus; Mrs. Abeda Inamdar President D.M.I & MMERC; Shri. Latif Magdum-Secretary MCES-Azam Campus; Shri. S.B.H.Inamdar President-G.J.E.Trust; Shri. Zuber R. Shaikh-Hon. Secretary HGMAE Trust & other Trustee Members were also present. Shri. Harshad Sangle, Director-Founder CITIS Infotech also attended the grant ceremony.
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