Is Blockchain the solution to control counterfeiting of Educational Certificates?


Pune-based company, Snapper develops blockchain technology for verification of certificates. The recent news ‘MBA admission fraud rocks Pune University’ in some leading publications is not something new. We have seen many news articles in the past on fake certificates involving principals, ministers, teachers. Fake degree frauds are prevalent in India for quite a long time.

Pune-based company, Snapper develops blockchain technology for verification of certificates.

The recent news ‘MBA admission fraud rocks Pune University’ in some leading publications is not something new. We have seen many news articles in the past on fake certificates involving principals, ministers, teachers. Fake degree frauds are prevalent in India for quite a long time. There are hundreds of fake Universities issuing Certificates, out of which 24 fake universities are already identified by UGC. Thousands of fake companies are issuing fake certificates and are openly sold online for just Rs.20,000 ( As per reports from agencies, 10-20% discrepancies are discovered during background screening of the new hires.

“Fraudulent documents cause an organization to lose an average 6% of its human resources. Background screening in India is a nascent industry and facing lot of challenges. Verification efforts and costs are high. Data security and privacy is a big concern. It takes upto 2 months for certificate verification and is a manual process. Generally, verification is not done from the primary source and not fully reliable. Technology can play a big role in overcoming these challenges. Currently technology adoption in this industry is very low” says Amol Umranikar a leading Verification Expert.

Technology platform ‘SnapCert’ for secured generation, digitization, authentication, sharing and verification of certificates is the solution to this rampant problem. Using the latest advanced technologies like Blockchain and AI to ensure permanent and fully secured storage of certificates, verification of certificates can be done Online and Real time from Primary Source. It is very cost effective for Universities and time efficient lowering administrative costs for unitversities. Any academic, private and government organization can use this platform to ward of fakes and for issuing and verification of certificates for students, employees and citizens”, explains Naresh Jain and Prashant Surana, Co-founders, Snapper

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