#BasicHumanity a reminder for us

#BasicHumanity a reminder for us

We are amidst a global pandemic, something we have never witnessed or imagined and which has locked down the entire earth? We hardly have a clue to when things will start. And when life will go back to normal again. On one side, we have people like ourselves, who are trying hard to conquer our

We are amidst a global pandemic, something we have never witnessed or imagined and which has locked down the entire earth? We hardly have a clue to when things will start. And when life will go back to normal again.

On one side, we have people like ourselves, who are trying hard to conquer our boredom through social media as an outlet, exploiting it as much as possible to add a little happiness to life during this endless lockdown. But there is a huge number of people who have nothing to do with this story. They are daily wagers, the lowest in economic rank in this society of ours. Is this the right time to exhibit our luxuries! 

Do we even know how much hardship fellow citizens are going through to manage a regular meal for their families? 

#BasicHumanity a reminder for us#ORNKnowledge is initiated by Outreach Nepal to share relevant information. This time they have raised a simple message of ‘empathy’ with multiple social media posts.

These are uncertain times. Let us be more empathetic, more human towards the less privileged. Let us remember how much suffering people around the world are going through, and as a gesture let’s stop displaying our lavish meals. Our small initiative is simple, just a reminder of the basic humanity which we all have inside us. This small effort is not meant for those who are actually suffering – they might have little or no access to social media in these tormenting times. On the contrary this is meant to sensitise us, the forgetful privileged.

#BasicHumanity a reminder for us

#BasicHumanity a reminder for us

If this campaign can touch a single soul, we will be an effective agency and that’s the power we need in order to become a new age advertising professional – Ujaya Shakya, Founder & Managing Director, Outreach Nepal



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