2 day Bank strike this week: Services to take hit from January 31 to February 1


The United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), Maharashtra, has declared a strike on January 31 and February 1 besides three days in March as talks over wage revision failed to make headway with the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA). The union has declared that if their demands on wage revision are not met, the employees would

The United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), Maharashtra, has declared a strike on January 31 and February 1 besides three days in March as talks over wage revision failed to make headway with the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA). The union has declared that if their demands on wage revision are not met, the employees would start an indefinite strike on April 1.

Besides January 31 and February 1, they have announced a strike on March 11, 12 and 13. The strike call has been backed by 10 lakh bank employees and officers represented by All India Bank Employees’ Association, All India Bank Officers’ Confederation, National Confederation of Bank Employees, All India Bank Officers’ Association, Bank Employees Federation of India, Indian National Bank Employees’ Federation, Indian National Bank Officers’ Congress, National Organisation of Bank Workers, and National Organisation of Bank Officers.

Devidas Tuljapurkar, convener, UFBU, said in Maharashtra around 40,000 employees in 10,000 branches of 20 public sector banks, private banks, foreign banks and two regional rural banks will participate in the strike.

“The wages are revised on the basis of the unions’ demands in discussion with the IBA. For about more than 27 months, bankers have not come forward with respectable offer on wage revision and improvements in service conditions,” Mr. Tuljapurkar said adding that the unions are also demanding weekly off on all Saturdays.

The UFBF convenor said even after the Ministry of Finance advised bank managements to expedite and conclude the 11th bipartite wage settlement till November 2017, IBA did not make any offer till May 2018. After 30 months, IBA made an offer of 12.5% hike even when the government cleared a hike of 15%.

Mr. Tuljapurkar said that the employees have been overburdened with all the flagship programmes of the government. like Jan Dhan Yojana, Mudra Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana. and others as they are centered around the bank. Also, vacancies arising out of death, resignation, retirement and promotion have not been filled resulting in increased workload.

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